7 FIGURE VISIONARY & Related Products


This Coaching Service Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into between Dynamik Internet Marketing, Inc. (“Coach”) and (“Client”) regarding the provision of services described herein. Coach and Client shall be collectively referred to as the “Parties.” This Agreement is effective as of the date of Client’s signature hereto.

1. Scope of Engagement.

Services Provided. Coach will provide the following consulting services to Client for the duration of the Agreement:

2 Weekly 1-hour group coaching calls (via Zoom);

Weekly Skool communications between Coach and Client. Coach retains discretion to limit volume of messaging so as to avoid disruption to other clients;

Access to the mini-workshop model video course & other video trainings for duration of service.

1.2 Client’s Obligations.

Client agrees to be punctual, responsive and engaged on coaching calls. Coaching sessions will be terminated if Client is more than five minutes late and will not be rescheduled. Client shall remove distractions during sessions, including texting, emails, food, etc.

1.3 Limitation of Scope.

Coach does not provide counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, or any other form of mental health care. Coach does not provide legal, medical, tax, or financial advice. Client is ultimately responsible for implementing action steps discussed during coaching sessions.

1.4 No Guarantee.

Coach offers no guarantee that Client will achieve any particular benchmarks, results, employment, relationships, or income.

1.5 Limitation of Liability.

Coach shall not be liable to Client for any general, special, or consequential damages arising from or related to the scope of services under this Agreement. Should Coach be adjudicated liable to Client for any reason, such liability shall be limited to the amount paid by Client to Coach pursuant to this Agreement.

2. Duration of Agreement.

To instill a sense of commitment with Client, this Agreement shall have a duration of 2 months and shall not be cancellable by Client.

2.1 Refund Policy.

To ensure Client’s commitment to the consulting services herein, no refunds will be issued. Upon client's request for cancellation, coach will terminate future payments within a 72 hour window.

2.3 Renewal.

Renewal is automatic on a weekly basis. Client must submit request for cancellation to support.

3. Payment.

If Client pays in full, one year of services shall be provided for a total cost of $997. The other payment option is $49/week with ability to cancel anytime.

4. Confidentiality.

All information and documents provided to Coach in furtherance of this Agreement shall remain confidential and will not be disclosed to any third party. Coach will comply with any lawfully issued subpoenas or court orders to testify or produce documents. Coach retains ability to use submitted content in the form of a testimonial as marketing content.

5. Intellectual Property.

The coaching concepts, materials and information provided by Coach to Client are the property of Coach, and contain copyrighted and/or proprietary material. Client agrees to use Coach’s materials only for Client’s personal benefit, and not to use or reuse Coach’s materials for any financial gain or otherwise distribute, share, or remarket its materials to any third parties. Client may not reproduce or distribute the materials without the written permission of Coach. Client also may not use Coach’s trademark without the written permission of Coach.

6. Independent Contractor.

Coach is being engaged as an independent contractor for the services described herein. This Agreement does not create an employment relationship between the Parties.

7. Entire Agreement.

This writing embodies the sole and complete Agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter herein and incorporates all prior or contemporaneous discussions and understandings between the Parties. No modification, amendment, waiver, termination or discharge of any provision hereof shall be binding unless confirmed in a written instrument signed by all Parties.

8. Governing Law and Venue.

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws the State of California without regard to its conflicts of laws provisions, and the place of execution and performance is San Diego County. Any litigation arising from this Agreement shall be venued in the North County Division of the San Diego Superior Court.

By electing to pay online under my own will, I agree to the terms set forth herein.